Portfolio v2

Take a deep dive into the features of this portfolio website including Web Analytics and Speed Insights. Built with Next.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, and Headless UI.

Portfolio v2

Project Highlights







web & mobile


    • Metadata & Search Engine Optimization
    • Using the Next.js Metadata API,static and dynamic MetaData is generated for each page, & each project.

    • Dark Mode Theme Toggler
    • Using TailwindCSS and the Next Themes npm package, the user can toggle their preferred theme.

    • Responsive layout
    • Every component has been meticously configured to handle desktop and mobile platforms with a phenomonal user experience.

    • Dynamic Page Server Components
    • Html files are being create on the server before being sent to the client allowing for extremely fast load times.

    • Web Analytics - Granular Visitor Data
    • Safely tracks page views, top pages, top sources and visitors, including their country location, operating system, and browser.

    • Speed Insights - Real Experience Score
    • Provides detailed insights of the website's performance metrics to analyze optimization decisions with FCP, LCP, FID, and TFB.

  • TypeScript
  • React.js
  • Next.js
  • TailwindCSS
  • HeadlessUI
  • Vercel
  • Next-Themes
  • Vercel Web Analytics
  • Vercel Speed Insights