Portfolio v2
Take a deep dive into the features of this portfolio website including Web Analytics and Speed Insights. Built with Next.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, and Headless UI.

Project Highlights
web & mobile
- Metadata & Search Engine Optimization
- Dark Mode Theme Toggler
- Responsive layout
- Dynamic Page Server Components
- Web Analytics - Granular Visitor Data
- Speed Insights - Real Experience Score
Using the Next.js Metadata API,static and dynamic MetaData is generated for each page, & each project.
Using TailwindCSS and the Next Themes npm package, the user can toggle their preferred theme.
Every component has been meticously configured to handle desktop and mobile platforms with a phenomonal user experience.
Html files are being create on the server before being sent to the client allowing for extremely fast load times.
Safely tracks page views, top pages, top sources and visitors, including their country location, operating system, and browser.
Provides detailed insights of the website's performance metrics to analyze optimization decisions with FCP, LCP, FID, and TFB.
- TypeScript
- React.js
- Next.js
- Vitest
- TailwindCSS
- HeadlessUI
- Vercel
- Next-Themes
- Vercel Web Analytics
- Vercel Speed Insights