Portfolio v2
Take a deep dive into the features of this portfolio website including Web Analytics and Speed Insights. Built with Next.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, and Headless UI.
These projects are a testimony of my creativity with technology.
Take a deep dive into the features of this portfolio website including Web Analytics and Speed Insights. Built with Next.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, and Headless UI.
Health & Fitness
Mobile application available on iOS and Android. Create and join challenges to help improve fitness, nutrition, sleep, stress, sense of community, and behavioral habits.
Real Estate
Full stack web application designed to facilitate property management for managers, landlords and owners.
Media & Photography
Simple stock photography image search mobile application with a spellchecker feature connected to the Pixabay API.
Social Media
Created a LinkTree clone to learn the fundamentals of Next.js and TailwindCSS. Includes links to my projects and socials.
Commercial Real Estate
Website for a commercial real estate property to market tenant businesses. Built with JavaScript, React, and Bootstrap.
My first edition of the portfolio website built with speed and no code using a powerful visual canvas platform, Webflow.
The OG of my technical projects. This is a Where's Waldo rendition game application built with Scratch, a visual block coding IDE.
Fashion & Beauty
I wasn't like every other kid, you know, who dreams about being an astronaut, I was always more interested in what bark was made out of on a tree. Richard Gere's a real hero of mine. Sting. Sting would be another person who's a hero. The music he's created over the years, I don't really listen to it, but the fact that he's making it, I respect that.